10. Animations widgets

Now that our game arrive in the final stage, and with the one week extention of the deadline, I wanted to add more for the introduction. A propper introduction give the basic of the lore to the player to properly enjoy what the game has to offer. And for now, we only...

3. Start with Flame

Here we are, the real start of our game, the initiation to the Flame Engine. It’s a lightweight and modular Flutter game engine that simplifies the process of creating 2D mobile games. It allows developers to build games using the Dart programming language and...

Usefull link Flame Engine

Here is all the usefull link that I have use to start with the Flame Engine -https://flame-engine.org/ the base site of the package -https://docs.flame-engine.org/latest/ the documentation – If you find a link on the web, verify that you are on the latest...

2. Start coding

At this stage, our main game idea was defined, so I need to create at least a basic ocean animation just to experiment and try what I can do in a short amount of time to scale the game. It is not to make a Proof Of Concept (POC) but to start manipulating animations in...

1. Find an intersting idea

Soon after we created our team on Devpost (the official website of the hackaton) we started a brainstorming for what type of game we can build. The first ideas At first, we wanted to find on wich topic our game will be focused. With only height week of developement,...